Paulo Novais

Full Professor in the Informatics Department and researcher at the ALGORITMI Center, at the School of Engineering at the University of Minho; Author of more than 450 scientific articles; received several international awards; Ex-President of APPIA (Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence); Portugal representative at IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) – Artificial Intelligence; Senior member and Vice-chair of the Computational Intelligence Society Portuguese Chapter, IEEE; Co-founder and Strategic Advisor of AnyBrain S.A.

Full Professor in the Informatics Department and researcher at the ALGORITMI Center, at the School of Engineering at the University of Minho. His research has focused, throughout his career, in the scientific area of ​​Artificial Intelligence, with a special focus on concepts related to Decision, Behavioral Analysis, Environmental Intelligence and Assisted Living Environments. Its main research objective is to design computer systems that are more sensitive to human presence, a little more intelligent and reliable.


Author of more than 450 scientific articles, with peer review, published in international journals and conferences. He also published 3 books and participated in the edition of 34 scientific books. He received several international awards, of which the IBM Award of Scientific Excellence, 1st Prize – Best Demonstration at PAAMS 2019 and the Best Paper Application, at DCAI 2020 stand out.


President of APPIA (Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence), between 2016 and 2019, current President of the General Assembly. Portugal representative at IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) – Artificial Intelligence. Senior member and Vice-chair of the Computational Intelligence Society Portuguese Chapter, IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).


Collaborates as an evaluator and reviewer of research projects, in particular for the European Union, FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology), ANI (Innovation Agency).
Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of the Gulbenkian Fellowship Program New Talents in Artificial Intelligence at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.


Co-founder and Strategic Advisor of AnyBrain S.A.

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